When an experienced and successful driver, such as Michael Schumacher, travels around a track – even one he’s driven many times before – he isn’t looking at how best to drive the track, he’s investigating any small changes that may have been made since last time he was here. He wants to know stuff like
- Where the protective barriers are placed
- How many layers of tyres are protecting key spots
- Whether the track surface has changed anywhere, and if it has, how the grip levels now compare to the grip levels before
- How deep the gravel traps are (some gravel traps literally beach the car if you go off into them, others can be driven gingerly across)
- Where the access roads for the rescue vehicles are. (These roads can double up as a useful route back onto the track if you go off.)
- Where the marshal posts are. (At each marshal post, a circuit worker is available on a motorcycle to give a driver a lift back to the pits should he need it.)